The Professional Program
in Accounting (PPAk) is designed to prepare students for successful
careers in public accounting, as well as in industry, government
and other areas that require CPA (BAP) credentials.
The mission of Accounting Profession Program, Economic Faculty,
Trisakti University to ensure a quality liberal, general business,
and accounting education at the profession level that prepares students
to become both productive and successful professional accountants.
The focus of this program in achieving its mission is on maintaining
a responsive accounting program that students with sufficient technical
and conceptual knowledge for a successful career in accounting as
well as with the problem solving and communication skills nescessary
to apply their knowledge in a professional setting.
A distinctive feature of our PPAk, students is the opportunity to
interact with outstanding professionals from accounting practice
and academician. Each certain period, the program brings outstanding
spekers to campus to make presentation about any kind of currents
issue, so our students always catch with the current condition.
Our PPAk, students hopefully, enjoy becoming acquainted with some
of the outstanding people.
One of our objective is to bring our graduates as an excellent professional
accountant. With the objective, the communication skill and ethics
are important for students at this stage.
In this way, our courses is designes to increase capabilities to
present, argue and interact will all communities in the class.
Throughout the program, representatives from local, regional, and
national public accounting firms, as well as from industry and government
host a one hour courses for our students. They address issues of
current importance affecting the accounting profession, discuss
financial accounting, auditing tax, and other topics with the class.
Detailed of program
This program were exposed
to the technical concepts and procedures they needed as successful
accountants. The sequence of courses and topics were the same as
in most accounting professional program. The approach frequently
offered the students both simple concept and a more complex concept
at virtually the same time. Given that the simple concept is the
basis for understanding the more complex one, the approach forced
students to memorize and understand. The program primarily used
active learning method with the work method and professional skills
were emphasized. The students can complete this program in 8 months
with some requirements.